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Poe Alley off the Lawn at UVA |
In other news, we had a nice surprise of 4-6 inches of snow today. It's too bad the students are on spring break and not here to enjoy it. This is a pic from this morning.
P.S. The office will be closed this Friday, 3/9/12, for a University holiday.
its looks so gorgeous there (: hoping ill be able to enjoy it next year! :)
love the title :]
Hi. Random question to be posted here... But I am a first year at my 4 year college, and I am wanting to transfer to UVA this coming fall as a second year. Will an okay SAT score (every section above 500) hurt me even though its not really amazing score?
I mean will it hurt me because its not a really amazing score?
Hello Transfermer,
I applied last year as a transfer, and I am applying again this year. On my application it is showing up that my HS transcripts and some other documents are missing, but I was told that I did not need to resend it. Should I send an email to undergrad or just wait about two weeks and see if the holds will clear?
Thank you very much
I'm at nvcc and applying to UVA. i was wondering how many vccs students you take without the GAA?
hey i sent everything in about a week ago, but I still haven't received my SIS information?
looks like it snowed a little bit...
Did the UVa faculty go sledding?
It won’t be a defining point in the review process. We’ll have to see how you performed in your coursework.
This will take some time, but it should clear up in the next couple of weeks.
We don’t have a target of GAA or non-GAA students.
Anon with no account,
I’m told it takes 5-7 business days. If it hasn’t shown up by that date, I would recommend working with the link I mentioned in my earlier post.
Sadly, no sledding. There is still a lot of work to be done with the first-year app process.
Approximately how long will it take for my "To-Do" list to be cleared? I have sent the transcripts and I am sure they are en route to my file (if not already there), but how long will that take? Also, I applied last year as a first year, will my previous file be looked at and in what ways? Thanks. =D
Hello. I applied for Fall 2012 as a rising 3rd year student recently and I was wondering if it is possible to take the summer session as a current student once I get accepted to UVA. There are some courses I need to take before the fall semester starts if I do get into UVA and I was told that I can only get financial aid for summer as a current student. Also, is it possible to receive an answer before May 1st?
Thank you.
Maybe next time it snows you guys can hit a hill or two during lunch break. Have you guys started on the Transfer apps yet? Were their more applicants this year?
Hi, Transfermer. I'm here with a clarification question. It seems institutional based financial aid apps are due April 30th. With transfer admission decisions having a deadline of May 1st, shall I apply for financial aid without knowing if I am being admitted. Thanks!
Hi, I was wondering if you knew how many open spots there are available for the nursing school? Also, when will they finalize their decisions on applicants? For example, do they review the application packet and at that moment say yes or no to that particular student? Thanks!
Transcript Anxiety,
We are working to process the paperwork of 2,000+ applicants. I’ll let you know when we are all caught up. Plus, if your transcript isn’t here when we go to review your file, we will contact you via email. Your updated high school transcript will be examined of course, but otherwise, your previous application will not be scrutinized too closely.
Summer Session,
Yes, it is possible to take summer classes if you are admitted. We would have to make some adjustments to allow you to apply for financial aid. I can only promise that decisions will be made by May 1. No earlier, no later.
We have started reading transfer applications, but we are still waiting for the dust to settle to see how many completed files we have.
YES. Please apply for financial aid now. We will not give you a deposit extension come May if you didn’t fill out your paperwork by the preferred deadline of March 1. The sooner, the better.
Nursing school,
I don’t have information on this, but most spots will be for the RN-BSN program. We do not have rolling admission if that’s what you’re asking. Everyone finds out at the same time – May 1.
Hi I have submitted my application, however I am not able to file my taxes because there was a typo on the w2. I am waiting for a corrected one. Thus I am not able to file my fafsa. My question is; will it hinder my chance of getting accepted. Furthermore, I have not received my sis. Thank you waiting for your response
Transfermer, thanks for all your help! One last question about my app: I was waiting for a few key assignments before I sent a midterm report; if I am taking an online class and my professor is an unmanageable distance away, how should I address this with regard to filling out the report?
Hi transfermer,
I was wondering if you are an actual admissions dean or do you just work in the admissions department? Do you actually review and decide on applicants yourself?
Also, does every admissions dean read every application or does only one person read an application?
will you send letters to all applicants or only those accepted this year?
If you are accepted as a transfer, can you still take community college summer classes in hopes of fulfilling some of the general education requirements?
I have a question about economics. My school offers a 100 level introductory economics. They also offer microeconomics and macroeconomics at the 200 level. So the micro and macro would appear more challenging of course! My question is, do you all prefer to see the micro economics or the macro? My college places them on the same level so I feel as if you all will too! Thanks transformer! :)
When you look at NOVA applicants do you only look at the courses or do you also look at the program we are in, for example associates in science compared to associates in arts or general studies
Our admissions process is need-blind, so not having the FAFSA won’t affect your admissions decision. If you are admitted, it could present a problem for you in May if you need to know your financial aid award before paying your deposit.
Just leave this course blank and if, later on, you want to send that grade on its own, you can send it.
Yes, I am an admissions officer (we can be deans and counselors, but I am a dean). Yes, I review applications for both transfers and first-years(hence my infrequent posts during our busiest times). An application is read at least twice and sometimes three or four times.
Same as last year and it will be the same in the future. We only send letters to admitted students. All students will be able to see their decisions online.
Yes, you can take classes the first summer after you’re admitted, but for any summer after that, you would have to ask permission of your academic dean.
Micro and macro are usually on the same level wherever you go. They are both 2000-level courses here. We would prefer that you take the 200 or 2000 level micro and macro.
We don’t really mind what associate’s degree you are pursuing. But, I should add that the General Studies degree is not acceptable for the Guaranteed Admission Agreement.
There are a few courses at my university that you are required to take your first year. I have most all of the other recommended courses except for one or two and I am a first year. Will I be looked down upon for taking those required courses and leaving one or two for my second year if I got accepted to UVA?
leaving one or two of UVAs recommended courses**
hey i just wanted to know when is the addmission office going to release the decisions. Also, i have just sent couple of my teacher recomondations and i was just wondering if going to be included in my application. Thanks:)
how can I waive my right to see the midterm report when I have to give it to my various professors? Should i just not waive my right? what do you recommend transfermer?
I have a few questions: 1) Do you know how many spaces are available to transfer into Curry or how many transfers are usually accepted? 2) How will I find out if I was accepted to Curry? 3) Do you know when Curry releases their decisions? Thank you for all your help on this website!
It’s impossible to take all of our recommended coursework in one year. We would like to see that current freshman attempt at least half of these requirements.
They will be released around May 1. This is on our website.
Midterm right,
You can just leave this blank. I think with our process (independent students as transfers working with this recommended and not required form) most students see their mid-year grades before they send them off to us.
I’m sorry, but I don’t have any numbers on that. Plus, it depends if you are applying to the BA/MT, Kinesiology or Speech Pathology. These are reviewed as three separate groups. Even if you applied to the BA/MT program, you will find out if you have been admitted to Curry at the same time you are admitted to the College of Arts and Sciences.
Hi transfermer,
I saw the tuition for non-resident is $36,788 and it says 12+ credits. I wonder if UVA adopts flat rate tuition policy.
It is my understanding that letters will be sent to the lucky admitted. Will they be sent to the permanent mailing address or current mailing address? Can one specify where to have it sent? My current mailing address is a college PO Box. They do not forward letters and I will be leaving for summmer, and hopefully for good, around the time letters are sent out. I'm concerned that I might miss such an awesome letter.
hey thank you for being prompt in answering these questions, it is really helpfull:)
Hi. I had a quick question about the application process. Last year i was waitlisted, this year when i applied I did not change my writting supplements because there was not a major change that i could right about. Will that prevent me in getting to UVA. Thanks.
@ Sparkling
Transfermer already said above "All students will be able to see their decisions online. "
@ Transfermer
If something is missing for the financial aid applicant will we be notified? OR will the Fin. office just accept "as is" and assume we are not interested in institutional aid? for example. Is it okay to call their office about our file? Thanks!
Hey Transfermer,
I have taken all but one of my midterm exams. Do you want me to send my midterm report now or after march 23 (after I take my last midterm)? Also, on my app. I accidentally mislabeled which club I held office in. Should I email/call the office to correct this mistake? I don't want to be seen as a liar :)
I have opted out of including standardized test scored in my application due to my being out of high school for over 5 years. However, I am a bit concerned because the status of my application (when logged in to SIS) is 'incomplete' due to my failure to send the scores.
Will my application still be considered for admission with its 'incomplete' status, or do I have to do something specific in order to have that taken off of my to do list on the SIS profile?
Thank you for your help,
All the items in my 'to-do' list have cleared, except the "official high school transcript", the difference is that now, underneath it, it says "homeschooled".
So basically my application will be viewed as "incomplete" because I am homeschooled? Or are the admissions actually expecting more information?
I guess I also need to add to my previous post that I am aware that decisions will be seen online, but I'd like to avoid the chance of having an acceptance letter to the University of Virginia sit in a Longwood University PO Box over the summer for a random person to find next year.
you say that you can't promise things will make it to our file in time after march 1.. what about the midterm? you say to send that after midterms but if I send it will it be reviewed or possibly not?
I think you have to pay more if you plan on taking more than 19 credits a semester. I’m not sure of the policy if you somehow get permission to take less than 12 in the semester.
They will be sent to the current mailing address in the first few days of May.
It will not be the ultimate deciding factor for your admissions decision.
Financial Aid,
Good question. Oftentimes, SFS (student financial services) will ask for supporting documents. If they are looking for something, it will pop up on your to-do list. Keep an eye out for this.
It’s really hard to say because this document is not required. Obviously, the sooner you can get anything you want to be added into our office, the better. Regarding the mislabeled club office, you can email us, but it’s not imperative.
Standardized testing automatically populates the to-do lists of every applicant. The fact that it is on your particular to-do list (you say you’ve been out for five years) will not keep your application from being reviewed and will not lead to a deny decision.
If you graduated from a homeschool environment, it’s high school. Seems like this might be a glitch in processing or a misunderstanding in the official status of what you sent to us. Please email uvaapplicationinfo@virginia.edu with your Name and DOB to have it checked out.
Midterm reports are not required and therefore there’s a possibility your application may be read before you send in these documents. We will not hold for these if a file is otherwise complete. However, we will read applications a number of times before May 1. So, while it might not be in your file the first time it's read, it might be in there for future review.
My to-do list still says that I'm missing my official college transcript. I sent it out a little over a week before the deadline. Should I be concerned?
Thank you.
Hey transfermer sorry I just wanted to double check on the answer that you gave me regarding the writing materials that I have submitted from previous year. I have changed it a little bit, however most of it was quite the same. So, If I correctly understood you, that will hinder my chances? I am really worried now.
My application, fees, and supplements were all confirmed received by commonapp on Feb. 28, but I have not heard from UVA yet. I think I am supposed to receive a SIS login? Do I need to follow up? And if so, how?
Thank you!
I know we keep asking questions about the midterm... if its recommended.. does that mean it helps at all? what actually can it do for you? is there any weight at all placed on it?
Hey Transfermer,
This semester I am a student at my main college, and a transient student at a community college (my main didn't offer the prereqs I needed). The main college sent in a transcript, but the CC won't do so until this semester is up and I am assigned grades. Accordingly, my SIS states my application is incomplete because there is a transcript missing. How big of a problem is it that my application will be "incomplete" when you review it? Should I scan and send in an unofficial transcript from the CC? I explained this in my CommonApp so the reader would be aware, but I can undertake other actions you recommend.
Let’s wait one more week. We are still working on linking documents. If it’s not off your to-do list by then, you can email the office.
Updating it and “changing it a bit,” as you mentioned is a good thing.
You should look at https://sisuva.admin.virginia.edu/psp/epprd/EMPLOYEE/EMPL/h/?tab=PAPP_GUEST and click on the link after “Need your computing and SIS IDs” under New User Access on the right.
Midterm 2,
We don’t place a lot of weight on them because they are not required. Sometimes, it can be a positive for a student if the grades are better than they were in the previous semester.
You can write to undergradadmission@virginia.edu and explain the situation again and we’ll see if we can take it off of your to-do list.
Hi Transfermer,
Thanks for your help.
I wonder if admitted into McIntire, Can I double major in Economics in CAS?
Hi Transfermer, I am an applicant from California. I saw on the website that the acceptence rate is around 35percent to 40percent. But I know in state students always have greater chances. So can you tell me about the acceptence rate for out state students? Is it still 35 percent?
This is not impossible, but it would take a lot planning from the get-go, summer courses and January term coursework. Most Comm students work during their summers. I think Commerce + a minor is more do-able seeing as you would only have two years here.
Anon from CA,
It’s about 30% for out-of-state students.
When will we receive our SIS login info?
I've applied to transfer to McIntire from a Virginia Community College. There are several courses that I see listed as pre-req's for McIntire that I have not taken because they were exempted from my A.S. due to AP scores (Scores that may have been accepted within the VCCS may not be accepted by UVA). For example, 6 credits of english, and 3 credits of math were exempted due to AP.
Will these missing pre-reqs negatively impact my chances of being accepted? (Although, it would be possible for me to take these in summer school). Is there a "Cap" to the amount of courses that can be part of a 'conditional acceptance', even if my GPA, work experiences, SAT scores, etc. are all very good?
Hi Tranfermer,
I'm a first-year International applicant and I'm currently studying at Boston U. According to your previous article:" Test Requirements for Admission". I have submitted my IELTS score of 7.0 to your Admission Office to substitute your Standardized Test Requirement.
The problem is that up to now, "Standardized Test Scores" is still in my "To Do List" and every time I sent an email to uvaapplicationinfo@virginia.edu regarding this issue, I got a reply like "We do not have the office staff available to individually check for information. We will contact you directly only if your application file is incomplete."
I'm worried about this issue may affect my application. Is there anything I can do?
Hi Transfermer.
My college transcripts are still on my "To Do List". Are documents still being linked to our applications or is this something I should be concerned about?
Hello, I just have a few questions!
1) Will the large number of freshman applicants have an impact on the numbers of accepted transfer students to the Class of 2015?
2) Was there an increase in transfer applications this year?
3) Will my prior freshman application be re-read as part of the transfer admission review process?
4) What would you say is the most important factor in deciding who gets admitted? GPA, course selection, SATs/ACTs, or the essays?
Thank you!
I submitted my transcripts over a month ago, but the SIS still has it listed in the To-Do List. Should I resend this and is there any way to know if UVA needs my high school or my PVCC transcript or both?
How many spaces for transfer students does UVA anticipate having in the sophomore class in comparison to the junior class?
Do transfer applicants who apply "last minute" have a disadvantage to applicants who apply earlier?
Meaning, an applicant that submits all documents by January 1, 2012 vs an applicant that submits all documents on March 1st, 11:59pm, 2012?
IELTS and TOEFL scores do not automatically trigger the to-do list to recognize it as testing. It is testing, but we have to take it off manually. You can try emailing again if it’s still there and I’ll make our staff aware of your question.
Yes, we are still linking, but we are coming down to the end. I’ll let you know next week once we’ve sorted through everything. At that time, we’ll start emailing applicants with missing documents. You can email the general address today if you are curious.
1) The first-year and transfer processes are completely separate. Those numbers have no effect on the transfers.
2) Believe it or not, the numbers are about the same – we received 2300+ transfer applications.
3) It is possible.
4) All of that is important, but we want to see that you can prove yourself in courses that will help you graduate in two or three years (as a rising 2nd or 3rd year) from UVA.
If you click the details on your To-Do list, you can see what is “missing.” You may email the general address if you like.
Believe it or not, we really don’t look at it in those terms. We’ll admit between 700-800 students and it doesn’t matter to the University where they fit.
Last minute applicant,
Absolutely not. We didn’t even start reading applications until March 1st
That was meant to be a :) at the end of my last comment.
my to do list shows that I need official transcript . I already sent my college transcript a month ago. My question is what does it mean by official transcript ? Does official transcript have to be included my current spring semester grades ? So does it mean that I can only send my official transcript after my spring current semester is over ? Thank you in advance.
one more question ..can I fax my mid-term report ?
I posted this question in with the last 'batch' of questions, but I suppose you may have missed it:
I've applied to transfer to McIntire from a Virginia Community College. There are several courses that I see listed as pre-req's for McIntire that I have not taken because they were exempted from my A.S. due to AP scores (Scores that may have been accepted within the VCCS may not be accepted by UVA). For example, 6 credits of english, and 3 credits of math were exempted due to AP.
Will these missing pre-reqs negatively impact my chances of being accepted? (Although, it would be possible for me to take these in summer school). Is there a "Cap" to the amount of courses that can be part of a 'conditional acceptance', even if my GPA, work experiences, SAT scores, etc. are all very good?
Thanks in advance
will uva admit a previously home schooled, transfer applicant?
I will be faxing in my midterm report on Monday. Since the deadline was 3 weeks ago, is there a possibility that my application will be reviewed with the midterm report? If the grades on the midterm report are better than grades on my transcript, will it improve my chances?
Thank you for your help.
hey anon above me! How and to what address will you be faxing in your midterm report? Thanks!
Sorry about skipping you last week. We’ll take what NVCC transferred into consideration, but yes, unfortunately, you will have to take these courses. If an applicant is so desirable that we admit them pending summer courses, it’s usually the case that this student would have to take two or three classes OR all of your foreign language(if that’s the only missing component) during the summer.
No, this does not include spring grades. If you would like to email us to inquire about your transcript, you can write us. You can fax (434-924-3587) or email the mid-term report.
Yes. We do so every year.
Anon with mid-term,
There is a possibility that your report to get to your file before it is finalized. There is a possibility that strong grades will improve your chances, but we will have to look at it in the context of your entire record.
Last year I was wait listed for the School of Nursing. Does UVA take this into consideration when looking at my Nursing application for this year?
Yes UVAhopeful, but it doesn't necessarily lead to any particular decision.
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