It's at this time that the wait really sets in. You've done your part, and now you're waiting for us to do ours. Remember to keep up with your work and continue to do well. The last thing you want to happen is to be so distracted by the admissions process that it affects your grades. That won't help you whether or not you are offered to UVA.
We've received about 2300 applications. Please respect our process and the work that we do. If you did your research, you have found that this is not a rolling admission process and everyone finds out at the same time. At this time, we can only tell you that decisions will be released on May 1. Yes, that's a Sunday, but one never knows. You'll hear it here first if decisions will come out any earlier. We won't know this for a few weeks, thus, there won't be any announcements about a date... for a few weeks.
We started reading transfer applications last week. You may wonder why we didn't start earlier. 1) We did overlap work while we finished up with the first-years and 2) we have to wait for all of your materials to arrive. High school transcripts seem to lag the most.
Our office is working to get out first-year decisions tomorrow and I'll be working with a scholarship weekend night and day through Sunday. I look forward to answering your inquiries next week.
(The picture above is something I captured in Garden IX- a great place to study)