For instance, Earth Day is just not enough for us. We are in the midst of Earth WEEK as we get closer to April 22. The University has an entire office devoted to sustainability awareness, be it in the dining halls, recylcing plastics in the residence halls and having more paper conscious offices. The Office of Sustainability is spearheading earth week and there are various mini-events going on in conjunction with it. For more information, check out this link:

To answer some of your other questions, the Guaranteed Agreements only apply to the College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Engineering.
The date of release is May 1. I don't foresee it coming out any earlier, but again, I will let you know here.
I think what you've done so far is fine loyal readers, but I would strongly discourage you all from putting personal information up on the blog.

How far is the admission committee into the decision process? 80% complete? Just curious.
Why does it matter, since the results are coming out on May 1st anyway?
Nvcc is having an earth day too....i think its a really good initiative..
@ Student X, you should be lookin at it from a 50-50 view point since decisions come out in about a week
You folks are right, I was just curious. ;)
Quick question, if a student recieved a D in a math class but met all the other requirements for the GAA and was offered admission upon successful completion of this Spring's classes, could that person's offer of admission be contingent of a retake of that class in the summer? Or would they likeley just be flat out denied upon recieving the student's final transcripts?
Got my green check today :) Now gonna start working on my patience
I've had my check for a while, the suspense is killing me hah. I go to NVCC too (final semester) but I'm not doing the GAA (since I'm not getting my associates; just taking classes that UVA wants for transfers--I've met the rest of the requirements though). I applied last year but didn't get in. Hopefully that changes this year.
@ ALborz
Which of the schools are you applying to?
Just out of curiosity, how many of you applied to the Curry School?
i applied to mcintire as well
@rolog: I have a feeling that this year the acceptance rate for McIntire would be around 10% (or lower), due to the Business Week B-schools ranking. As for Arts&Sciences, I think this year a lot of in-state community college students will apply through the Guaranteed Admission that kicked in '07 and that should lower the overall acceptance rate or at least it will lower the amount of the 4-year school transfers...Oh well, 10 more days and I will find out whether these predictions are true. Good luck everyone, if you think you need it ;)
I'm applying to Arts and Sciences. I'm thinking about doing government, what about you?
I applied for the GAA and on my application it appears as though I will be getting all the requirements to be accepted under it. I am not sure anymore whether I will be getting my Associates degree or not anymore but that is not evident on what is on my application. So my question is: If I am accepted under the guaranteed admissions program but no longer fulfill the requirements will my admissions to UVA be revoked?
@ Alborz
I'm applying to the School of Nursing, its really competitive but am keeping my faith and hopes high...
I'm applying to Engineering!!
I am also applying to the engineering school. Are you applying through the NVCC agreement/ requirements?
I applied to the Curry School, which accepts 80 applicants per year at most..=/
No I actually am not applying through the agreement. I don't go to a virginia community college.
Unfortunately, receiving a D at any time in your college career takes you out of the running for the GAA. That’s even if you repeat the class. If you are admitted and we find this grade in the spring, you will likely be contacted for an explanation before we decide how to proceed.
Anon on 4/21pm,
If you don’t fulfill all of the stipulations of the GAA, your admission is not guaranteed, but that’s not to say that your admission will be revoked.
Anon on 4/22pm,
The GAA was instituted in March 2006. So, technically, the students applying for Fall 2007 could come in under it, but the numbers were small. In fact, the numbers are still small, but growing every year. We hope that as students, counselors and schools become more familiar with it, more students will take advantage of it.
I’m sorry to say that we accept a lot less than 90 students for Curry. You might be looking at the internal transfers.
So if 90 is the average number of internal transfer who are usually accepted into Curry, what does the number look like for outside transfers like me? I applied to Curry as a Kinesiology major (hopefully).
Thanks for all your hard work.
I found this link- it shows the transfer acceptance rates for each separate school.
Here's the link from the above post:
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