Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Notification is May 1

I will get to the comments in the last post, but I wanted to tell everyone that we will be releasing our decisions on May 1. I know it's been a long wait, but if you hold tight, it will be here before you know it. If you applied online, you'll be able to check your decision online, and a paper copy will go in the mail that day. If you applied by paper, expect a letter a few days after May 1. These letters will likely go to your home address.


  1. hi....

    Apart from the fact that the admissions decisions will be released en bloc on May 1st.

    will people be able to see the admission decisions online before May 1st?

    Sorry...just curious...

  2. Decisions will be visible online on May 1.

  3. so it's not on a rolling basis? like per decision?

  4. "Decisions will be visible online on May 1." No, it's not rolling, just wait.

  5. Patience is a virtue.

  6. Hello, Transfermer

    I saw one of your comments from the previous post saying "obviously at this late date, we cannot make any promises."
    So, I am worried that the recommendations I re-requested my professors will be able to help my application. They could have been reviewed with my application if I did not have delivery problem.
    Sorry for bothering you with the same question, but as you understand, this is very important to me.
    Thank you.

  7. Transfermer,

    This is inconvenient since I received my admission from another college and I have to put my deposit down for a spot in class by May 1st which is coincedentally the same day that UVa releases their decisions. I can only think that if the date wasn't pushed back that we could find out earlier.

  8. Hello, Transfermer,

    I have the same problem as Nick. And what's more, I'm a Chinese student, there is time difference. When I get UVA's result during American daytime on May 1, it's midnight in China. I cannot find an available fax to send my response form to another college at night because I'm living in campus. I might miss their deadline because of these reasons. It's really risk and inconvenient to me.

    Can I get the result 2 or 3 days ealier because of my special situation?

  9. I think a lot of us are in the same situation as nick/jane, including me.I do not think they will release their decisions in any circumstances.

    I think the best choice would be to go ahead and reserve your spot and send in the deposit for your other school. You can always go back and change your mind.

  10. Can we at least request admit pkts by courier if we are prepared to pay for?

  11. All of my previous schools have sent me confirmation of sending my transcripts, and I haven't received an email for your office, but my online status report still says that you haven't received almost all of my transcripts. I called your office, and they said not to worry if I haven't gotten an email, but I'm still concerned. Is there any reason that my online status indicates that they haven't been received, but I haven't received an email. I just want to make sure that my application is complete.

  12. i am in the same situation as nick/jane/sue. I was accepted into a really good school, but my acceptance fo admission has to be postmarked by May 1st. Is there any way to prevent this collision?

  13. I love how the post entitled "Notification is May 1" has several people asking/requesting they be able to see it before then.

  14. I also have the same problem as nick/jane/sue/eric my deposit is due on May 1st! However it will be due by 5pm EST. & I was hoping if there is anyway UVA can release there decisions at midnight or at least early that morning? I just don't want to have to pay 2 deposits back to back just because of a few hours! Thank You, hope to recieve good news!

  15. Anonymous above this post,

    I also was accepted to another college and they require the deposit by May 1st. I agree with the others that I wish that UVA could release their decisions earlier but they are probably so swamped with applications. Urg, I can't believe I might lose $150 but why did UVA push their due date 10 days?

  16. I believe most schools tell you with your letter of acceptance that you can place your deposit to reserve your spot but if it says postmarked by May 1, that includes May 1 meaning you can check your status at midnight that night and then May 1 morning go to the post office and get it sent. Thats postmarked May 1. Just a suggestion for all you folks worried about postmarks!

    Oh and yeah i love the Notification is May 1, I was trying to tell my boyfriend who attends UVA that the title was May 1 and he was having phone problems and thought i kept saying Execution is May 1. Just a little humor... I'm nervous as well!

  17. Oh and, I believe its always been May 1 they probably just have more applications because of pushing the due date meaning it will actually be May 1 and (sadly) not early like first years...from what i know Transfers have always been May 1 while First years its April 1.

  18. I don't mean to make matters worse, but it is clearly stated on the application for admission that the date for notification of decisions is May 1st.

    However distressing it may be, this is not a recent change. The information has been available on the application and on UVA's website for some time. Notification of admission status dates should have been something to consider before applying to UVA.

    I do not think it is fair to ask any more of what has been promised nor put any of the responsibility on the UVA admission staff, when it was our choice whether or not to apply.

  19. Let's say hypothetically you don't put your deposit down at your other school and then don't get into UVA, and can't go to your other school.(This would be stupid.) If you're in state can you still do one year at community college and get in through the guaranteed admissions thing if you have one year at a 4-year and one at a community college?

  20. transfermer,

    if one transfers into UVA to start his or her second year what are the disadvantages? Meaning is the GPA from lets say JMU carried over to UVA if the credits transfer? How does a transfer rank among his/her class? What is the percentage of second year transfers admissions rate?


  21. I apologize if these questions have been addressed under a different post, but...

    1) If we have applied using the VCCS guaranteed transfer admission agreement, and say we haven't met one of the requirements, is our application automatically rejected completely, or is it recycled into the general pool of regular transfer applicants?

    2) If we have met (or will meet by the completion of the Spring 2008 semester) the necessary requirements for the guaranteed admission, presumably we won't be officially "accepted" until UVA has received our final transcripts for the Spring, correct? If that is the case, will we at least receive something like a letter of intent on 5/1, which states something to the effect of: "pending the satisfactory completion of the outstanding requirements, you will be accepted into UVA...".

    Thanks...5/1 is just two weeks away!

  22. Hi,

    I am planning for junior transfer to the College of Arts and Science.
    On trying to fulfill the area requirements, I found out that I lack upper level classes.
    Does UVA prefer prospective students taking more upper level classes but a little narrower choice of courses, or students who take intro classes but completely fulfill the requirements?

  23. What about information regarding financial aid and transfer credit evaluation(unoffcial)..how much longer will that take after acceptance since these aspects will affect my decision to enroll

  24. What is the acceptance rate for transfer students?

  25. No, ben... no... you're getting accepted... stop stressing over it ;)
    - sonny

  26. Does guaranteed admission also work for Comm school? Given how selective it is, I would expect you guarantee admission to the university as a whole but not necessarily comm school.

  27. To the anonymous talking about VCCS agreement:

    I think it was stated once before that if you do not have one class under the agreement, then you cannot apply under that agreement. It would defeat the purpose if you allowed some students in missing one class and it would not be fair to others at non-VCCS schools.

    And the acceptance rate is about 37%. FYI, it is easily accessible by college board and other information! :)

  28. Meaning is the GPA from lets say JMU carried over to UVA if the credits transfer?

    No, you earn a 'new' GPA and your old GPA does not transfer. However, if you are applying to any professional schools then the admission officers will see all your grades, including previous colleges.

    How does a transfer rank among his/her class?

    I guess the transfers would go into the respective class as their previous college. If you are applying as a 2nd year student for UVA this year then you would be in class of 2011 but also be considerate of your number of credits too.

    What is the percentage of second year transfers admissions rate?

    Overall admission rate was stated above which is 37% including 1st and 2nd yr. transfers. Hope that helps!

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  30. The suspense is KILLING ME.

    12 more days until we know our decision and only 13 more days until my BIRTHDAY.. :D FYI-- A nice acceptance letter from UVA would be a very memorable birthday gift...

  31. Does your GPA start afresh when/if I transfer? I am going under the guaranteed admissions process with VCCS.


  32. Michael,

    I believe somebody has already answered that question already. I was aware that your GPA would start afresh when you go to another college. It would not make any sense to combine GPAs anyways, so the answer to the question is yes.

  33. I was still wondering if there was any insight on what time decisions would be posted? Early morning or will it be in the evening? Thanks Transfermer!!!

  34. Wishing everyone the best. I look forward to attending UVA:) Just like everyone else, I too am counting down.

  35. UVA will probably release the decisions at 5:00 or 6:00p.m. EST, which they have done in previous years. I'm suprised they are not going to release them on a Friday so they don't to answer the phones about decisions the whole weekend.

  36. I hope the April 30 notification will quell some of these worries.

    We will not send decisions via courier.

    John, please see the guaranteed admission agreement on our website... http://www.virginia.edu/undergradadmission/docs/agreement.doc

    wahoohopeful, your GPA will not transfer from your old school. For all applicants, 35-40% are admitted.


    If you do not qualify for the agreement, you are examined for competitive transfer admission.

    When we make our offer, that is our offer. However, we do request your final transcript. If something goes awry at this time, we'll rescind our offer.

    Sung Ji, we look at general and specific courses for the purposes for admission. But, upper-level courses sometimes do not transfer if they are highly specific.

  37. Financial Aid information will be released a week or so after decisions come out. Credit evaluations will come out on a rolling basis prior to orientation. We at least need final transcripts to begin this process. Please see the transfer credit evaluator for ideas on what might transfer.

    Acceptances depend on the school in which you're applying. See my previous comment in a blog post from March.

    There is NOT a guaranteed admission agreement for the Commerce School. These agreements only exist for the College of Arts and Sciences and for the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

  38. Transfermer,

    Thanks for the Financial Aid information--I had been wondering when letters would go out.

  39. This may be a little late seeing as how most of the posts were posted 5 days or more ago. But I know from personal experience that if you let your entire educational career ride on your admittance to ONE school, you're might end up shooting yourself in the foot. That's how I ended up at my current penitentiary...errr, i mean university.

    If you get into a school that you have genuine interest in going to and their reply date is on or before May 1st, send the money in. The worst (or best, I guess) thing that can happen is that you end up getting into UVA and you're out 200 bucks. Not a bad deal in the long run if you think about it.

    In my opinion, I'd rather spend the extra 200 bucks to ensure that I'm at least going SOMEWHERE I like.

    UVA isn't going to change their policy (which, after some research, has ALWAYS been May 1st) to benefit the few students who have deadline issues.
