Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Missing Transcripts?

We've come up with a temporary solution for those of you in this situation. PLEASE READ THIS FIRST AND READ CAREFULLY.

If you have checked your status page and the spot showing transcript says "RECEIVED :NO" , please do the following.

1) Email a copy of your transcript to
2) This is not you typing in your grades. It should be an attachment or formal unofficial transcript in the body of the email.
3) In the subject line, you must write FALL TRANSFER APPLICANT TRANSCRIPT ATTACHED
4) You must follow up by sending the official transcript to UVA, Office of Admission, P.O. Box 400160, Charlottesville, VA 22904

Next week, the filing department will email any remaining paid applicants with missing transcripts. This is just a way to get this jumpstarted. Keep in mind, we will read applications til the bitter end heading into May 1.


  1. Transformer,
    Does "not received" really mean the office of admissions has not found my transcripts? I am so worried because I sent my professors' recommendations with my transcripts in one envelope, too. And, it is not comfortable to ask my professors to write a letter again (This is almost the end of semester and they are busy...). Anyway, thank you for your posts...

  2. Will the Admissions Office start mailing out decisions before May 1, or on May 1 and thereafter?

  3. repeating what kenneth said,
    did the admissions office really not receive my high school transcripts?
    I had them sent one time but i assumed that they got lost in the mail a week ago so i decided to send another copy through certified mail and i received confirmation that the admissions office did receive it.

  4. So, I looked online to check my application status, and all of my transcripts have been recieved, with the exception of my high school transcript. I called them to make sure they sent it, and what do you know, they forgot! I made sure they sent it out today, but I just want to make sure this doesn't hurt my chances in getting in.

  5. Not to beat a dead horse, but I, too, had a high school transcript sent on 8/20/07, but my application status indicated it had not been received. I checked with my high school counselor; she confirmed she had sent it. Just to make sure it hadn't been lost in transit, another one was sent on 1/7/08, this time certified return receipt. The receipt came back indicating the transcript had been delivered and received, but my application status still indicates "not received." Should I send third one?

  6. Will we find out our decisions online on May 1st? This is starting to stress me out!

  7. Any word on status of test scores? That isn't online. I guess they would/will let us know?

  8. DO transfer applicants really need a high school transcript? I had bad grades in high school but I recieved my two year with a 3.9. Is it really neccessary?

  9. Transfermer, I was informed today that I would be able to graduate this summer from a VCCS school by taking a few extra courses. Is it too late to update my transfer application to McIntire to reflect that I will now be receiving a degree? How would I go about doing that? And is this information even relevant to the transfer process, would it be likely to benefit me?

  10. Transformer,

    Are there any updates on the transfer process? where does the process currently stand, and when do you foresee letters going out?

  11. haha is transformer your nickname?

  12. HAHAHAHA its Transfermer.

  13. It might be a little premature to ask this, but do you think the decisions will be out earlier than May 1? I was just accepted to the other school I applied to and they want my deposit by May 1. UVA is my first choice, so I hope this won't be a problem. But just in case I don't get accepted to UVA, I still want time to make the deposit for the school that accepted me.

  14. Hello, Transfermer

    I want to let you know that I sent my official transcripts again, and also asked my professors to send recommendations one more time for me. I truly hope this situation does not hurt my application.
    Thank you.


    Kenneth SeungMin Bae

  15. Transfermer,

    I am also in the same situation as Regan. UVA is my first choice. However, my 2nd choice wants their deposit postmarked by May 1st. Is there a set time the decisions will be posted online?

  16. Wow. I'm suddenly rethinking UVA after reading this.

  17. LOL at the kid with a 1590 who isnt at an Ivy

  18. Wow I am really rethinking wanting to go to UVA. Since being an out of state applicant I have heard that UVA has a reputation for being snobish. Sadly, this is coming very clear to me that it is true. I had an experience that reinforced this when I visted campus over the weekend and seeing this from the applicants. Thanks for reinforcing my decisions.


  19. Right now I am at John Hopkins paying around 20000 a year. Since my sister moved to virginia about 5 years ago now I can qualify as In-State as she was my guardian when I was younger. 8000-10000 for tuition is ALOT better than 20000. to lil wayne: i don't know which student government you are referring to, but the student government at hopkins has alot of say in the institution, markedly tuition. We recently came to an agreement with the board of the trustees to cap the yearly tuition increase to 5% at maximum, which will make a huge difference to many students. but as you indicate, maybe "making people sweat" is more rewarding then what i and my fellow senators have don. i can understand people bashing me since i do come off snobbish (showing off my credential was necessary given the purpose of my original post) and i apologize for that. I've been to UVa many times since my girlfriend attends the school and i can assure you they have very supportive student body and as far as i can tell very respectable people. Same goes for VTech which my sister attended and graduated from. however, what i don't understand is why you, lil wayne, would blatantly lie to add stress to those that are already stressed out? and why would you continue to provoke/lie in your response to my original comment? If people like you were at UVa then I think snobbish people would not be the main reason to stay away from the school. Once again, to everyone else, i apologize for my previous posts and do not judge the school that i/wayne am yet to hear back from from our actions.

  20. Good Idea!! Im in the same boat as well. You guys are getting really worked up about arguing who is better. In reality it doesnt really matter.
    ps. im a different anonymous

  21. so many anonymouses lol! didn't transfermer say something like don't use anonymous so she can properly address us? shes gonna come after all of us now! except she doens't know who we are... but if she did there would be no reason to come after us... ooo the hard life of transfermer lol =D

  22. Okay Everyone. I think we're all getting a little wound up as we approach the notification date. I'm sorry I didn't make this clear earlier on in the process, but I will delete inappropriate comments on the blog. If you have questions or comments regarding our process, it's best to call our office. At the risk of sounding like a school teacher, I think one thing we can agree on is that we are all adults here. The situation, the anxiety and the wait will be much easier if we treat each other respectfully. I hope you'll agree.

  23. Emails have to been going out to request faxed copies of transcripts. We are trying to process these as soon as possible.

    If you have sent something certified mail and recieved confirmation, it is likely in the office, but hasn't been processed.

    If we are in need of test scores, we'll contact you.

    High school transcripts are required for all applicants. Even if you have two years of college work or an associates, this portion of the file is required.


    Please send updates to We'll attempt to put this information in your file, but obviously at this late date, we cannot make any promises.

    Lil Wayne,

    There is no exact science to the admission process. Please see our transfer website for information on competitive applicants.

    We in the office try to combat the generalization that labels us as being a snobby school. What makes UVA a great place to go to school is the variety of students you'll meet and the variety of opportunities available to you. I think what you should really take from this is that not everybody is the same. I'm truly sorry for the visitor who came across "snobbiness" during his/her visit. But it's tough to label an entire University of students as snobs.

    Yes, responding to comments would be easier if you all changed your alias to something other than anonymous.


  24. LOL this kid is joke, doesn't he see the irony? He thinks he "made a difference" because he capped tuition increases at 5% per year, and yet he himself is trying to transfer because of tuition expenses... doesn't anyone find this funny? Also, lodi dodi, 5% a year is still greater than inflation. Like most SG members, you have that false sense of having made your school a better place, when in reality your scope is quite limited. Here's to your re-election.

  25. How can you go to Johns Hopkins and not know that its Johns and not John? ROFLLLLL

  26. “There is a natural aristocracy among men. The grounds of this are virtue and talents.”
    –Thomas Jefferson
    This principle correlates directly with the mission of ANY university’s admission office with regards to choosing who should attend. UVa is no exception to this as it has very high expectations for its students. Likewise, if one should think such a principle complements attitudes such as “snobbishness,” perhaps he or she should better understand the meaning of virtue.

    PS: We are all Hokies today.

  27. Just because you mentioned the brilliancy of Thomas Jefferson, I strongly recommend that everyone read his "Summary View of the Rights of British America" at some point. It's absolutely phenomenal.

  28. Is UVA still a rolling admissions college, or have I always been misinformed? Is it too late for me to submit all of the required documents now? And does the "pay with credit card" button only appear after all documents have been received?


  29. One more thing: I scanned and sent all of my transcripts to the address indicated in this post; the official copies are on their way presently. Will this be sufficient for the evaluation process to get going now? I am really eager about paying you guys $60!
