Friday, August 21, 2015

Listing all institutions on your application

Well, it appears that we have a little over a month until applications for spring admission are due. We just wanted to post a reminder for you when completing the common application.

It is a requirement for you to list EVERY SINGLE institution you have attended on the common application.  That's high school (if you were home-schooled, list it) and each and every college or University you've attended. Do not skip over these sections.  Even if you first went to college ten or twenty years ago, we will need the transcript and we'll need you to write it on your application.  For better or worse, we have access to a database which tells us what colleges/universities you attended, and if you make an omission, we could consider it a violation of our honor code.  I think many students mistakenly skip over this part, but we urge you to move slowly through the application so it doesn't happen to you. 


  1. I attended USAFA last year, recently ouprocessed and am applying for a spring transfer. I will be taking one community college class this fall. Does this need to be listed? I won't have grades by the time the application is due.

  2. For the high school transcript, does the transcript need to be electronically sent or does it need to be mailed?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. As a third year transfer, the website states that I should have at least 60 credits. Are these credits post-high school credits or total credits?

  5. I attended a junior college for only one week before transferring to a community college closer to me; should I include the junior college even though I did not receive any grades from there. Also, if I am reapplying for transfer admissions do I need to resubmit my high school transcript and test scores?

  6. I was curious as to when credentials are due. I'm a second year at a VCC and took my SAT a little over two years ago. I signed up for an ACT but the only available date was October 24th. Could I submit my application and transcripts by October 1st and later submit my ACT score?

  7. Christine,
    Yes, you'll see a place on the common application where you are required to list current courses. Please also order the transcript(even though it won't have the grade) to be sent to us.

    Jenna Patel,
    If your high school is now sending transcripts electronically, that is acceptable. We cannot take email transcripts from students themselves.

    In order to be eligible for third-year transfer, you should have at least four full-time semesters in school. If you come in as a third-year, you will be encouraged to graduate in two years. Having at least 54 credits including AP credit will acceptable.

    Nathan Dowdy,
    Yes, please include the junior college. If you applied to transfer in the past, you do not need to re-send your high school transcripts and SAT scores. This rule does not apply to someone who applied as a first-year in the past. This student would need to send these materials.

    All materials must be submitted by the deadline of October 1. We'll do our best to hold your application until we get your ACT score, but we can't make any promises. The deadline is October 1.

  8. I applied last march for the fall semester as a transfer student and since then, I have been attending another university until I can get into UVA. I sent in all my transcripts last year and I have already sent in my current transcript from the university that I am currently attending. What I'm asking is, since I am reapplying for the spring semester, do I need to re-send my transcript from the university I attended last year, from before the one I am at now.

  9. Amber,
    You should not need to send it, but keep an eye on your to-do list. If you don't see it disappear after October 10th, send us an email to check in.

  10. Hello everyone,

    is it mandatory to submit my other college transcripts? I am an international student but came to the US and studied at a community college and basically I am only transferring the credits I earned at the VCC, not the foreign ones. It stills appears in my To Do list. The same with my high school transcripts.

